Gta fivem map postal code
Gta fivem map postal code

gta fivem map postal code

Updated to minimap and main main supported - Option 1 Los Santos / Blaine County boarder of RT 68 & Option 2 - without boarder Updated Mapping : Added Mile Markers to Major Highways / Interstates

gta fivem map postal code

Set folders to be a drag and drop for client side install.Īdded map server resource for easy install onto the FX Server

gta fivem map postal code

NO LONGER WORKING LINK - LEFT TO LEAVE CREDIT FOR ORIGIONAL MAP ZOOM DATA FILE -Īdded ta to zip file for ease of access, rather then having users go to the direct link. High Speed Gaming Modified Link / Client Install Instructions: NO LONGER WORKING LINK - LEFT TO LEAVE CREDIT FOR ORIGIONAL MAP ZOOM DATA FILE. If you are the owner / creater of the "GTA V Street Names" mod, please send me a message and I'll add additional credits for you. When done with that, you can print all of the postals you just inserted into console with the /json command and then copy it from your CitizenFX.Block Numbers Added by Priest0802 - to the If you make a mistake, you can either remove a specific postal using /remove or remove the last postal inserted with /rl (this will decrease the next value also) Teleport to the next postal code in numerical order.Type /setnext where postalCode is the postal that you are at.Teleport to the first postal code in numerical order.

gta fivem map postal code

  • Do refresh and restart nearest-postal in-game.
  • In the resource a file, uncomment the cl_dev.lua requirement line.
  • This script provides a simple way of working on a new postal map
  • Fixed issue with blip name being set to nil, clearing the screen of all other text.
  • Fixes to missing postals on improved postal map.
  • Improvements in selection of postal map.
  • Prebuild the postal list with vectors at startup.
  • Added the refreshRate configuration option.
  • It will automatically remove the route when within 100m of the destination Updates 1.5 To draw a route to a certain postal, type /postal and to remove just type /postal
  • NOTE: This defaults as the new-postals.json file.
  • To setup the postal map, open the a file and change the variable postalFile to one of the files above.
  • new-postals.json -> New and Improved Postals.
  • From what I have seen, these are the most popular
  • As of now, this script supports 3 postal maps.
  • Download the code from the GitHub releases.
  • Run the following command in a terminal.
  • There are 2 ways to install it, and I recommend the first.
  • This script displays the nearest postal next to map, and allows you to navigate to specific postal codes with /postal Installation

    Gta fivem map postal code