Dishonored doto unlock all bonecharms trainer
Dishonored doto unlock all bonecharms trainer

dishonored doto unlock all bonecharms trainer

Robust II - Potions grant 10% more health.Robust I - Potions grant 5% more health.Reinforced Bolts - Bolts stuck in enemies break less often.Rat Scent - Rats attack only when approached in close proximity.Plague Resistant - Weepers inflict slightly less damage.Plague Affinity - Damage by weepers grants a small amount of mana.Healthy Appetite II - Food heals moderately more.Healthy Appetite I - Food heals slightly more.

dishonored doto unlock all bonecharms trainer

Fleet Fighter - Drawn weapons do not slow movement speed.Falling Star - Drop assassinating recharges mana by 20%.Clockwork Malfunction - Enemy grenades take slightly more time to explode.Carrion Killer - Killing rats grants some adrenaline.Blood Ox Heart - 20% increase to maximum mana.Albinos - Increased chance of white rats.Other bone charms exist that have functions that do not affect gameplay, but none of these can be found in the Dishonored franchise. When they are equipped, bone charms provide a variety of enhancements, such as improving the effects of elixirs and remedies, swimming speed, jumping ability, equipment, and strengthening the user's supernatural powers. Retaining bone charms is now considered a criminal offense, and there is a workshop at the Office of the High Overseer dedicated solely to the destruction of bone charms. However, with the coming of the industrial revolution arising from Esmond Roseburrow's research on whale oil, the Abbey of the Everyman banned the use of bone charms, dubbing them witchery. In the days before the Empire, ownership of bone charms (including those made from the tusks of walruses in Tyvia, as well as from the claws and teeth of bears in Pradym, a city in Tyvia) was tolerated, as their effects were said to improve the lives of lowly serfs and prevent pregnancies.

Dishonored doto unlock all bonecharms trainer